HtbaS Quilting Podcast Ep 313: Donation Quilts and Books Galore

It’s been a weird week with the Irma recovery, gratitude for the new roof, and lots of quilt top assembly so I can gear up to actually get some quilting done!

Books reviewed in this podcast:

Stay in touch! Follow my personal Instagram @Pantsfreesia, or my adventures with Lynn @TheStitchTVShow.

One Reply to “HtbaS Quilting Podcast Ep 313: Donation Quilts and Books Galore”

  1. Nina opens cabinets, but does she rummage through them? Move things around? Fingers crossed on the new job and for no more product launches! I hope you’ll be able to work at home again all the time, too.

    I suggest a book called Replay by Ken Grimwood. This is a space-time continuum book with a Groundhog Day and Reincarnation of Peter Proud aspects. I just read it and it was very engaging, but also provides a lot of food for thought.

    Funky fabrics not to taste: I have been slowly divesting myself of these types of prints. Often they are things I bought on spec too many years ago and are no longer to my taste. We have a free table at the guild and I put a few pieces out most meetings and they seem tog et scooped up except the beiges, which nobody seems to like. They are a product of that “add ugly fabric to your quilt” trend from several years ago that was a stupid idea. I say get rid of it. You could also make gift bags (see tutorial: You have so little time to sew that you should sew with fabrics you love.

    Have a great week!

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