Sunday Stash - Multitudinousness

This weekend I had a whole day and then some of just straight up sewing and progress on various projects. On top of the finish of Lovebirds earlier this week, I’ve got quite the yardage booked in the “out” column.  I did also bring in some fabric; I couldn’t resist a FQ bundle of “Cat Lady” from Cotton & Steel, some of which will be used to make a quilt for the Good Mews auction this year.

One of the finishes was this mini out of my sample Glow Stick block from my class with Cristy Fincher.  I’m still making a bigger version with some different color placements, but could let this one flounder about unused.

I also finally made the “Carry All Caddy” from  Like most of her patterns, it’s not hard sewing until you get to the final binding, and then there’s lots of opportunity for it to get all kinds of jacked up. Mine’s not too bad, I don’t think.

  • Used this Week: 18 yard
    • 8 yd for Lovebirds
    • 0.5 yd for one placemat
    • 0.5 yd for Glow Sticks mini quilt
    • 4.5 yd for Remedial Fishsticks donation quilt
    • 3.25 yd for Catch All Caddy
    • 0.25 yd for new nametag
    • 1 yd for casserole carrier
  • Used Year to Date: 137.5 yards
  • Added this Week: 5 yard
    • 5 yd Cat Lady FQ bundle
  • Net Used YTD: 70.75 yards
  • YTD Used for Charity: 46.25 yards (34% of total used)

See more stash reports at Patchwork Times!

One thought on “Sunday Stash - Multitudinousness

  1. I am also taking Annie’s class. Your bag came out fantastic!! I have the soft and stable and now have to get all my fabrics. On to the hard part!! 🙂

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