HtbaS - Episode 259

This week I talk about what’s coming up in the next few months for me (and how collaboration is forcing me out of my quilting rut), working on the Bonnie Hunter Allietare mystery, doubting choices you make in quilting, and why I shouldn’t binge watch some TV shows.

Here’s the tutorial for the hexagon caddy from this picture of Nina and my Allietare blocks.


4 thoughts on “HtbaS - Episode 259

  1. Oh my, I thought I was weird. (Well…)
    I do the same thing you described when you spoke about taking on the atmosphere of your surroundings. I’m a Gemini, so I’m not sure how that plays in. I pick up the moods of whatever I’m immersed in, whether it’s a book, film, or crowd of people. Maybe we are true empaths and we have to be careful and protect ourselves. I even find myself accidentally adopting the accents of others if I spend too much time around them. I enjoy stories set in England and I find myself actually reading in my head in a Britsh accent. Weird. Harry Potter and Doctor Who marathons are interesting in my house..

    Btw, when Allietare came out, I googled the pronunciation because it was driving me nuts. If you remove the exaggerated Italian accent and say it like an American would, yours sounds perfect.

  2. It was good to hear you sounding like you again today. I was worried last week because you sounded a little blue. I know it’s a struggle to maintain your podcast weekly with all the other things you juggle…I just wanted to say thank you for doing it weekly for so long. I always look forward to hearing your voice and your stories :). Looks like I will miss you in Vegas by one week again! It would be great if our conferences overlapped one year and we could actually meet (gasp!) even though we would both be over being around people at that point lol. Good luck on a crazy few months!

  3. Hmmm…maybe a Cancer thing since I am so much the same, as is my daughter. I always thought of it more as to how we behave, but I never thought about it affecting our mood or outlook on life. See, not just quilting and cats and math but philosophy, psychology, and astrology too! You are just a fountain of inspiration and knowledge. ;o)

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