I would have considered these works-in-progress if I had remembered to take pictures as I was sewing them. As it is, you’ll have to settle for some finished projects on WIP Wednesday!
Both of these are gifts for my MIL for Christmas. They don’t count as “last minute” since we don’t exchange gifts with them until Saturday at the family celebration. First up is a Sew Together bag; I think this is my fifth (or sixth?) time making one of these, so it went pretty smoothly.

What’s not so smooth is a glaring typo that I now can’t unsee - instead of “spool”, it has “snool”. Which… okay Japan. You go right on designing your crazy fabric.
Kati tried to convince me that it’s a European style of script, but I find her logic suspect since it’s a Japanese fabric! Ditto for Tina who said that’s how her many-greats grandmother did it.
Side note: we have a lot of fun on Instagram if you haven’t found me there already. It’s still a lot of cat pictures, but I’m sure you’d expect that of me.
Also finished and just now wrapped is a Nativity bunting. My in-laws have a triple window in their dining room that the small Christmas tree decorated in Nativity ornaments sits in front of (Note: this is one of FIFTEEN trees my MIL decorates. Yowza!). Not much happens over the tree, so I made this to hang in front of the valance and add a little more interest to the window.
I just used silhouette shapes for the various figures and gradients of Kona blue solids.
(Side note: I spelled silhouette right on the first try! It’s a Christmas miracle!)
Lee is taking a break from hosting WIP Wednesday, so you’ll have to spend your standard WIP browsing time interacting with real people or something! Catch you all for the Boxing Day Sew In on twitter using #BDSI!