WIP Wednesday: EPP Update

Rather than show a pile of stuff on my cutting table, I thought I’d give an update on my EPP project, the Tula Pink Diamonds in the Sky quilt.

I’ve been working on this as I wait for kids at various practices or art lessons, so I’m up to attaching row 3.

You’ll note there’s a hole in the middle of it. This is because as I was attaching row 3, I noticed that I had attached row 2 on upside down. You wouldn’t even be able to notice except one of the 3D cubes (there’s one adjacent to the hole) was then seen upside down.

Words Were Said. Words that my children may have both gotten in trouble for referencing in various writing projects last week on two separate days. Ah, motherhood.

Anyway, I’ll put a regular hexie in that hole, and swap out the 3D hexie for another regular hexie further down the row so it’s not so obvious. And I might say some more Words. It *is* the end of the school year, after all!


9 Replies to “WIP Wednesday: EPP Update”

  1. This is looking fabulous! (Even with the hole!) Can’t wait to see more of it. I’m such a big fan of Tula Pink! Here via WIP Wednesday on Freshly Pieced.

  2. Are you sure that anyone would notice one of the blocks upside down? Well, it is just a fantastic quilt!

  3. Great progress and you are correct it is the end of the school year so they have all summer to forget what they heard. One advantage of the hand piecing is that it is easier to “fix”.

  4. LOL! Now there is nothing wrong with a few expletives while screwing up it fills the lungs with oxygen needed to re engage the brain haha…it looks gorgeous 🙂

  5. English paper piecing is meant to be soothing and contemplative - I guess it is until you sew a row on upside down. I love Rebecca’s explanation of why expletives are ok when you screw up!

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