I’ve been trying to be good about slow quilting and enjoying the process and all that mature, highfaluting stuff other grown up quilters talk about. I was being good, really, but there is a certain point one reaches when using the same size pieces for leaders and enders and you think, “There is no end to these fabric pieces. Surely, they are multiplying, growing new pieces out of the lint and trimmings.”
And then in a flurry of “EFF THIS AND THE ROTARY CUTTER IT RODE IN ON”, I gave up on the slow quilting and powered through the piecing to finish these sashing pieces for the Saturday Soiree blue and white quilt.
There are 48 of these stinkers, which I think means I sewed together about a frillion pieces on the bias. It is no wonder I ate half a bag of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup minis last weekend with all these crazy seams. On a happier note, I grudgingly got on the treadmill and burned off the Reese’s weight as of this morning.
Special interlude by some MoMo toes.
I think your reaction was completely justified. You can go back to the slow quilting tomorrow.