I’ve finish a number of small projects this week, as well as lots of progress on several mystery quilts.
First, we have the finished Step 3 from Scrapitude. Photo taken at night, thereby keeping the fine tradition of bad photography I pride myself on.
Next we have the first step in Bonnie Hunter’s Celtic Soltice. I’m sticking with Bonnie’s palette because I couldn’t think of a better one. And I think my daughter might like this quilt for her bed when it’s done, and I could spruce it up with a border of a lot of 1 1/2″ squares in blue, which is her favorite color.
And finally, some of the little gifties I finished this weekend during the Black Friday Sew-in. I have 3 Crayon wallets commissioned by my friend Judi, and 2 boys’ wallets for the stockings we get from the Salvation Army to fill. We got a 7 year old and 11 year old boy assigned to us, and boy are they hard to shop for to find things that will fit in the stocking and not cost $200+ dollars.
I also finished a zipper pouch and folded fabric star for the upcoming holiday swap for the AMQG, but will wait to post a picture until after the swap (and I have to make another small thing to put in the pouch anyway!).
- Used this Week: 5 yards
- 0.25 yd for wool felt project (pics after Christmas)
- 0.5 yd for zippered pouch & star for AMQG swap
- 3.5 yd for Aeroplane bag & pouch
- 0.5 yd for 3 Crayon wallets
- 0.25 yd for boys’ wallets
- Used year to Date: 376.25 yards
- Added this Week: 0 yards
- Woohoo!
- Net Used for 2013: 190.75 yards
- YTD Used for Charity: 144 yards (38% of total used)
See more stash reports at Patchwork Times!
Thanks for posting that wallet link! I have been looking for something like this for my boys.
We are all kind of feeling the effect of “stuff” after working on cleaning out Grama’s house. As a result I was trying to think of things that would add to the rubble. I am not sure how helpful my ideas are for your boys but here are a few: soap, Starbuck’s gift cards, lottery tickets, candy, lip balm. I’ll let you know if I think of any others.
Boys stocking stuffers might include little Lego kits. I used to put them in my son’s stocking so he had something to do while he waited for the rest of us. A yoyo, a deck of cards or a card game like Uno, perhaps a book of puzzles, a matchbox car and bubble gum were also favorites at my house.
Great job on your usage this year. Judi has some great ideas for stocking stuffers. Maybe a movie ticket, gift card to McDonalds. Filling a stocking for someone else sounds like a lot of fun.
Love all the little wallets! How old would you say a kid would need to be to color on paper that size without also coloring all over the restaurant table or whatever is nearby when it gets pulled out? I’ve been thinking about making one for my niece at some point because they’re super cute, but I’m wondering if it would be something that would be better to wait until she’s a little bigger (just turned 3). I have absolutely no experience with little kids since my stepdaughter was pre-hatched (11 when Don & I got married and 13 when she came to live with us full-time, so all of my experience is with much older kids).
Your Bonnie mystery is looking good. I haven’t heard of the other one, but LOVE mysteries so will be checking back to see how yours comes out!
Hi, finally am all caught up on your podcasts. Go me. I love the look of the two mystery quilts you are doing. Am contemplating trying to catch up on the Scrapitude one since we have a pause in proceedings… but then again maybe I won’t. Am working on a few projects here already and I don’t have your amazing productive gene.
I’m also using Bonnie’s colors. It works for me.
Your daughter will get this wonderful treasure.
Bev H.
I would love to start on Bonnie’s mystery quilt but am trying to stay realistic with my projects. I think I’m the opposite of you when it comes to quilting. I think I have as many projects unfinished as you have finished.
Did you start keeping track of you stash when you started quilting or mid journey? And if it was mid journey, how did you calculate Stash on Hand?
Looking forward to a picture of a kitty in the tree LOL
Vicky K