HtbaS - Episode 159

I talk about fitness (and why you may not be ready for it), guild holiday parties, math, and FEELINGS. And then Tanesha joins me! And I totally miss talking about Rafflecopter questions AGAIN, but I promise to get to it next week - this episode is already filled with awesome and I want to spread it out.

Here is my formula for calculating yardage used on a quilt when I track my stash usage:

(Length * Width)/(36*42)*2+(Length+Width)*2/42*2.25/36

Remember proper math functions and do the calculations in the parentheses first! And do your multiplying/dividing before you do your adding. I have this as a formula in a spreadsheet. For a “final” number, I’ll increase that number by 15% for a quilt with a lot of small pieces or applique, or 10% for a quilt with larger pieces.

  • The Walk - a new fitness app for walking brought to you by the makers of Zombies Run!
  • Dark Witch by Nora Roberts

About Pam the Head Rhombus

I like quilts, cats, math, and science fiction. Not always in that order.
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