I finally got around to photographing the Snowflake Garden quilt I finished on the first day of my retreat. It’s a small-ish wallhanging that finishes at 36×42″from Primitive Gatherings from Lisa Bongean.
About halfway to the retreat last weekend I realized I had left the container with all my sewing machine feet & extra bobbins at home, so it was through the generosity of friends that I borrowed a FMQ foot and a spare bobbin and got this done.
I really like the star pattern in the center, and also like how the star itself is set slightly above center. To keep with the snowflake theme, I stuck to snowflake-like branches for the quilting in the star. The rest of the blue got a gentle meander.
The snowman is wool applique, attached with fusible and a hand-applied blanket stitch. I did a smidge of quilting on the leaves, but left the rest of of un-quilted so it would keep it’s poofiness.
Soon I’ll get this wrapped up and ready to give to my in-laws!
It came out really cute! The only thing is missing is a hat from the snowman
He looks a little chilly bald headed
)) The snowflakes are so lovely, I like that eveey time they have a different pattern. Bet your in-laws will be happy to add this to their decorations!
Pretty! I think this is another quilt that makes me think, “Hmmm…that doesn’t look like you at all.” I am constantly amazed at the variety of styles and techniques you work with successfully.
I’ve always been impressed with how much you get done, but now that I’m working and haven’t touched my machine in a month, I am really in awe!
Beautiful quilt! I really like the offset star with the applique at the bottom. Is this the first time you’ve worked with wool applique. Did you like it?
Very nice and what a great gift.
Very nice! I forget, was this a kit or did you put the fabrics together? It is a great combination either way. I like the layout as well, with the star up higher. It has a nice balance too it without being super symmetrical.