At last the Berry Siege of ’13 is OVER!
But first the final pieced block, complete with the sort of weird lighting you’ve come to expect from this blog.
And finally, here are final three applique blocks:
I swear I will raise one of my kids to be a botanist and genetically engineer food so they develop a berry with legitimate corners we quilters can applique without shame! In the mean time, I’ll settle for drinking a lot of eggnog around Christmas while this quilt is displayed so I either won’t notice the semi-pointy berries due to blurry vision or just won’t care due to being drunk.
I’m looking forward to the finishing directions, although might take liberties with the setting triangles for the center piece so they offer a little more interest.
I can’t wait to see the square berry, which will most certainly be named “Head Rhombus” by your brilliant child. Truly you won’t care, because you’ll be on to something else.
I am right behind you with Jingle Belle. I have the last pieced block cut out and ready to assemble and am working on the four poinsettia flowers right now. I don’t have the big center medallion done either…guess I won’t have this one ready in time for Christmas 2013, but perhaps by 2014!
Square berries! I love it. You come up with the best solutions. Your blocks look awesome. Great fabric choices and superb workmanship. Thanks for the blog and podcast.
Lovely fabrics in the last block! And the berries will quilt out, (not) LOL!
) Maybe a little background thread painting around them to round the corners?
Don’t you know square berries taste better? They don’t look all the square to me but then my glasses are over ======> there and I ain’t getting up to get them
Bahahaha! A lady from my guild just said the best thing ever that I have to share! “Round applique circles, ain’t nobody got time to that! “
I found some Riley Blake fabric that has your name written all over it.
I just ate a whole punnet of blueberries and not one was perfectly round, just sayin’