For those on twitter, or listening to the podcast, you might have heard that Katie from Katie’s Quilting Corner and I are loosely organizing a Veteran’s Day Sew-In for the coming weekend. There’s a couple ways to participate!
1. All weekend long, make with the clicky on this handy logo to get the Tweetchat room, which uses the #VDSI hashtag on twitter, or just follow the conversation on the twitter client of your choice.
2. Google Hang-out, Sunday Nov 11, at 1pm Eastern. Up to 10 webcams can connect and unlimited viewers/chatters in the chatroom. We can see each others projects and sewing areas and chat “in person” in real time! The link to join Google Hangout will be shared on Twitter the day of the sew in since we can’t generate it before then. We believe the hangout will be recorded automatically and we can share it on YouTube when it is over.
3. Listen to a podcast and enjoy the dulcet tones of a quilting podcaster! Sometimes you just need to cocoon and get stuff done!
Remember you don’t have to have a webcam or twitter account to watch or follow! If you’d like to receive an official invite and e-mail reminder for the Sunday Hangout leave a comment here or on Katie’s site and make sure to fill in your e-mail address when you comment so we know who to e-mail.
I’ll try to stop by and say hi. Thanks for organizing.