** Comments are now closed! I'm drawing the winner shortly. **
It's here! It's here! It's finally here! Welcome to the Hip to be a Square Podcast and bloggy-type thing! I'm pleased to be giving away several items for this Giveaway Day.
The first is a matching notepad cover and travel tissue holder. The notepad is a standard 5x8" size, and the notepad and tissues are included. The print is sort of a funky jungle print with some olive green and purple. The notepad tutorial is modeled on Erin Compton's design, and the tissue holder design is my own.
The second item is a combo of sorts - a mini cutting mat with 4 1/2" square ruler and 2 FQs from my stash- a brown/white swirly print and a cowboy print.
The giveaway will be open until noon Eastern December 17th (Friday!). All you have to do is leave a comment with which item you'd like, either notepad or FQs or both (as some people don't make stuff but like to get handmade stuff). I'll use a random number generator to pick the winner for each item, and email the winners Friday night.
I hope you'll take a listen to a podcast, or maybe check out some of the things I've worked on. You don't need an iPod or MP3 player to listen - you can do it right from your computer! Just click the "Click to Play" link in any of the episode posts.
Both items are great. Can never have too much fabric!
Thanks for a great giveaway! I would not care which to win, although for my daughter the fabric she would love - she loves anything western! thanks and happy holidays!
Your notebook cover is too cute! Thanks for the giveaway and any of what you are giving away is great. Have a great holiday!
Cute giveaways! The tissue holder is adorable and very handy this time of year.
Both giveaways are wonderful!
The mini cutting mat is on my wish list! I need one for my new rotary cutter.
hugs & happy holidays,
I love both prizes and couldn't possibly choose!!!
Thank you
Love all the prints. And I didn't even know there were mini cutting mats!
love fabric, but gifts are fun too!
I would be happy with either, but must say that the fabric you used on the notebook/tissue holder has been on my fabric wish list for a while now -- lovely choice!
Either items would be fabulous! I love the tissue holder. Thanks for the great giveaway!
I would really love to get the cutting mat since I haven't got one. I will have to check out your site more it looks good!
What a good giveaway! I would chose the 2nd that square ruler -- I need one! :)
I really like the FQs! The cowboy is my fave.
Both are awesome. If I had to chose I'd chose the first one though, since I already have a cutting mat. Thanks
I could always use the ruler and cutting mat. Thanks for the giveaway!
If I had to pick I would go with the fat quarters, cutting mat and ruler. Thanks for the great giveaways.
I like the FQs, perfect to make something for a little boy!
The FQs with the cutting mat!
I like the combo but would be honored to win anything from your site:)
Thank you and MErry Christmas!!
I love the notebook & tissue cover & the fabric it's made out of. Thanks for offering a giveaway!
chester, ny
I would love the FQs and mini cutting mat set. It looks so handy!
cute stuff, very talented!
Happy Giveaway Day, so fun!
Merry Christmas
The second set please. I do not have a cutting mat!
I like the fat quarters and mat set. Thanks
Second item.
I love the notebook cover! Cute stuff!
I love the fat quarters!
I would love to win either of your prizes.
Both items are great; I would definitely take either. But I've got my eye on the mat and FQs. embyrfire(at)hotmail(dot)com
Both, please!
I'm participating in the Sew, Mama, Sew Giveaway Day! I hope you have time to stop over and enter my giveaway at homemakerhoney.com
Merry Christmas!
Homemaker Honey
homemakerhoney @gmail .com
i LOVE the cowboy fabric!! i'm going through a huge Americana craze right now
I would * love * the mini cutting mat with the fat quarters.
Thanks for the giveaway!
orinoco14 at yahoo dot com
I'm a fabriholic, so the fat quarters are my favorite. Saving your website for future reference. Love the title.
That mini cutting board is so cute! Thank you for the chance :)
Happy Holidays!
Door#2 please!
thanks for the chance to win! (sukie80@gmail.com)
What great giveaways! I would {love} the mini-cutting mat and fat-quarters! :)
The note-book cover holder looks very neat ... although I"m starting to drool over fabrics as well after reading all these blogs!
Mini cutting board - and I'm adding your podcast to my iphone right now!
I love both! Don't make me decide! ;) LOL
can't get enough fabric! thanks for the giveaway.
Would love to make something for my little cowboy with the fq! Thanks!
heeey would love the square cutting board and ruler!! thanks! such great stuff.
I like BOTH items! :) Very cute!
I'd like the cutting board and FQs! Thank you!
Ah, I know Erin Compton in real life. ;) She's great! I wouldn't mind either, though I'd prefer the notepad. Such lovely fabric. Thank you for the giveaway!
Thanks for the chance!
Great giveaway...I really like the tissue holder and the notepad - love the colors...
nhsarab at yahoo dot com
Thanks for the great giveaway - I really love the second bunch - the little mat and ruler and fabrics. The cowboy one is perfect for my horse lovin' girl.
Great giveaway! I like the second group the best.
I would love the cutting mat and fat quarters!
#2 the cowboy print is too good to pass up!
Love the 2nd item!
I'd love the mat and ruler! Thanks!
I'd like the second one - i need a cutting mat
I really love the second bunch. The little mat and ruler and fabrics. Thanks and Merry Christmas †
I love fabric, and I'd love a cutting mat...but premade gifts are wonderful, too! Great giveaway!
kennedycraft (at) aol (dot) com
What a lovely giveaway - you've so generously covered the best of both worlds! All three fabrics are so much fun.
Thanks for the giveaway! I would love the cutting mat and fabrics! designpassion (at)optonline(dot)net
Thanks for the great giveaway. I'd love the mat and fabrics. yarnpig (@) gmail.com
I would enjoy either of these gifts. Thanks so much for the chance to win!
I would love the second set with the cutting mat, ruler, and fabrics. I would love to have a travel size mat!!
I'd love the FQs and tools. I love the cowboy fabric. Thanks.
I would love #2!
I love both prizes and would be happy if I won :) Thank you for the chance
I would love either one to be honest!
Happy holidays!
I would love the second prize! Thanks for the chance to win!
Hi, I would be happy about both prices, but maybe a bit happier about Nr. 2. Thank you for the chance to win.
Both prizes would be great. If I won the first, I'd give them to my niece for Christmas. She's always writing something and the tissue cover is just too cute! The second, well, that I'd keep for myself! I LOVE the fabric!
Thank you for the opportunity to win!
The FQs. I love to make stuff!
jshen37 at gmail dot com
i would love to win the FQs & mini cutting mat - that would be REALLY useful to me. thank you!!!!
Love both prizes!!! My birthday is Dec. 17th, so winning would make the day even better!
“But even if I find my way out of the forest, I shall be left with the inconsolable memory of the treasure I went into the forest to find and never found, and which was not there and perhaps is not anywhere? But if not anywhere, why do I feel guilty at not having found it?” T. S. Eliot
useful giveaway!
I like the fabric giveaway!
Beautiful matching notepad cover and travel tissue holder. That's the one I really like. Thanks for doing the giveaway.
Both items are great but I think the fabric is super cute, love the cowboys! Thanks for the chance to win!
okiedokiemama at yahoo dot com
Both giveaways are great but I would pick the fabrics. Thanks for the chance to win.
I would definately love that fabric and the mini-mat. I actually have a mini-mat on my list of needs. :o) Thanks for the chance!
Lovely giveaway! I go for the chance to win the 2nd item. Thank you!
I like both...
Merry Christmas!
Happy with either if I win. Too hard to choose. Thanks
Very nice giveaway! I'd love the second set. Thanks!
I would love to win the second set!!
It's too hard to choose! I guess the second one if I had to pick
Love both gifts - would be pleased to win either
Thanks for the giveaway opportunity. I would love to win the fabric.
I would just love to win anything. Thanks for the giveaway.
jmclean at mts dot net
Would love either! But am in desperate need of a square ruler, I've got nothing... :)
If you'd like to enter my giveaway (I'm giving away a set of fabric coasters and a Heather Ross scrap pack), it's at: http://www.etsy.com/shop/ananemone
Happy giveaway day!
I need that cowboy fabric! Very nice giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win.
mare460 at gmail.com
Awesome!! I love the cutting matt/ruler!
Probably the FQs, but the notepad is cute too!
You have a great bloggy-type thin going here! I'm pretty new to the sewing world, so I do not have a cutting mat (but would love to win one :) And fabrics are always welcome - I'm just starting to build a stash!
I LOVE the cowboy fabric!!! I could make our nephews some great stuff from their cowboy Uncle Jake with that fabric. :)
i love the FQ fabric and mini cutting items!
thank you for the giveaway! happy holidays!
I LOVE the cowboy fabric :) :)
grl_4_God at hotmail dot com
I like the second bit- the fabric and the cutting mat- I need me onw of those.
I love them both but I need the FQ's after I lost a lot of sewing supplies when I moved. =(
Thank you for such a great giveaway! Happy holidays to you and yours! xox
I love the tissue holder too--that fabric is great! I'd be happy with either prize. Thanks for inviting us over to your blog!
Thanks for the giveaways, I'm a bit of a notions nut and I think I need to start collecting more rulers and mats.
I like the notebook cover idea. The mat and ruler would also come in handy.
I would love the mat and ruler with the 2 FQS! That would just make my day!!
Thanks for the giveaway!
sohobutterfly ( a t ) gmail ( d o t ) com
I would love the FQ package. Thanks for the chance to win. Happy Christmas. stephspitzer at gmail dot com
I would like the FQ's!
i dont own a cutting mat (gasp) so i would love to win your giveaway please.
I would love to get the ruler & the FQ. Thanks for the giveaway.
Both prizes are just lovely! But I have my eye on the cowboy fabric, I saw the other day a car seat cover project using it, and it stuck in my mind!!
lixapopescu [at] gmail [dot] com
I love the cowboy print - have it in blue, so the brown would make for a nice boys quilt to donate to the children's cancer ward.
I'd love a cutting mat, I'm sure it would make things easier for me!
Oh gosh I would be happy with either of these! I think they are great! Like your blog! Thanks for a great giveaway.
I would love either prize--I love to make things, but I also love handmade items. Thanks for the chance to win!
I love both prizes, but would prefer the second one, as a girl can't have too many rulers or cutting mats.
The FQ would be my pick.
Thanks for the giveaway!
mcheaston {at} gmail {dot} com
Great giveaways. I would be happy with either one!
Oh I wan both :D They are both great! I could use both!
I am having a giveaway too, so if you have time feel free to stop by! http://hendrixville.blogspot.com/
I would pick the fat quarter! Thank you so much!So great!
I like the mini cutting mat and ruler... thanks for the giveaway!
The cowboy FQ would be so great for my son! Thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks for the giveaway! My son would look cute in a hat made out of cowboys so I'd choose that!
I like the fabric the best, but both prizes are great and I would be happy with either one...
Please enter my name in your lovely drawing. Thank You
Bonnie in Florida USA
I like the cutting mat and fq's....Thanks for the chance!!
I'd love the chance to win the fabric.
pippirose59 at gmail dot com
I would love the chance to win both ---- or either!
I'd like to enter to win the FQ please! Thanks!
lisabrideau at yahoo dot com
haacho Cute ideal and Merry Christmas both please jenniferbowden7 at gmail dot com
I love the FQs and cutting helpers best but would certainly also use the notebook! I can't believe I've missed your podcast an am going to subscribe right now. Thanks!
I desperately need a cutting mat but all items are great. Thank you!
bridgestranslation at yahoo dot com
The FQs are awesome! and i really need a cutting mat!
Great giveaway, and I am glad I discovered your podcast! Brilliant to listen to when crafting :)
Either giveaway is fine with me :) more fabric is always good, but I was planning on making a tissue holder over the holidays so would love one from you!
I love the FQ/cutting board set!
i like the fabric option, but would be happy with either.
Thanks for the fabulous giveaway!
I'd love the fat quarters! Thanks!
How fun! I would consider myself lucky to win any of those prizes! Thank you!
I would be happy with either item. Thanks for the great giveaway!
I would love the fat quarters. thanks for the chance.
I'd love the FQ's and cutting board - fabulous!
I would love the note book and tissue holder. The pattern is gorgeous - would love to look that coordinated and elegant. At present my notebooks cover is a scruffy pleather item.
I would choose the FQ's and cutting board. Thanks!
Hi! thanks for the chance to win! I'd go for the FQs and the mat and ruler... thanks!
Thanks for the giveaway- I need a cutting mat : ) It would be great!
Wow -- what a great giveaway!! I love both sets of giveaways -- the cowboy fabric really catches my eye.
My goodness it's too hard to choose! So I won't - I love to win either one. :)
Great giveaway! I'd love to win the FQ's and cutting mat. Thanks! megancparsons(at)gmail(dot)com
I would love to win the FQs, since I have little projects now =p . Thank you so much for the chance to win!!
either would be great :) I love the tissue holder and that cowboy fabric!!
I would love the FQs and mini cutting set. Thank you for participating in the Sew Mama Sew giveaway day. kcarlson1152[at]hotmail.com
I'd love the mat and FQs. And hey - I live in Atlanta too!! dmj53(at)hotmail(dot)com
Thank you for the giveaways. Probably Mat and FQ's as I do need some mini mats.
Id love the mat and fqs, you can never have too much fabric!
please take a peek at my giveaway, if you get the chance...
Those are really cute!
Love the fat quarters...how cute! Thanks for the chance!
I love the notepad. While I do sew myself, I hardly ever make anything for myself and it would be so nice to have handmade things :)
hello! both items are lovely but that mini cutting mat caught my eye, i've been meaning to buy one actually...
I would love prize #2! I really need a smaller cutting mat. And I love the cowboy fabric! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
I would love 2nd prize. It would fit on my desk at school. I teach sewing.
I'd love a chance to win the FQs, please!
ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca
I love the FQ thanks for the chance to win
I like the cowboy fabric!
I'd like both, or I should day either. Thanks -
I'd love to win the FQ's - Thanks for the chance to win. :)
I think I'd like the first prize, although both are lovely.
Wow I would be happy with either prize, how wonderful of you.
I love both of them but I'd prefer the second one since we have a short supply of tools in Sri Lanka.
Thanks for the chance :)
These are both fantastic! Thanks for the chance to be in to win one of them. :-)
I love them both - would be very happy to receive either one of them!
Have an awesome Christmas. :-)
i think i would take the second item!!
Both items are wonderful. Thank you for taking time out of your busy holiday schedule to participate in the giveaway. Happy holidays!
Both of your giveaways are great!
Both of your giveaways are great, but if I were to win, I would love the fat quarters and mat/ruler because I need that exact ruler and a small cutting mat. I would love to win that.
Thank you for the chance to win. I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday season.
vburr at charter dot net
I'd be thrilled to win either prize! Thanks for the chance!
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