Saturday, November 20, 2021

Layer Cake Quilt Along - Block 2

In my excitement over having my son back at school (fear not, it was short-lived. I got called at 10 to come pick him up as his condition deteriorated through the morning despite being fine at home), I forgot to mention I finished my second block for the Layer Cake Quilt Along.

I don't know that I'm in love with this block, but that could be because of my fabric choices. The problem I've discovered with the Moda Origins line is that there aren't a lot of just pure "light" values to choose from. There's a bunch of darks and mediums, and I suppose pairing the darks with the medium values would make the mediums "lights", but... I think there's just too much going on with this block. It required 5 different fabrics, and it just makes me think it couldn't make up its mind about what it wanted to be when it grew up from a collection of fabric into a fancy quilt-type person.


Jane said...

Maybe not enough contrast, I don't know. I'm sure not a judge, but I do like the block. Hope your son is well soon. Happy Thanksgiving!

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