I finally finished my Christmas quilt! And it was even before Christmas! Truly, a miracle for the season. This quilt comes from the 12 Days of Christmas by Nancy Halvorsen. I changed the orientation a bit to account for where I wanted to hang it, but it is gloriously done and hanging up! Huzzah.
(clicky to go to the big view at Flickr, and follow the photostream for some close-ups)
Looks great! You are so very productive! Got a kick out of looking through your flickr photos. What a great looking pair of little ones you have! The little guy looks particularly mischievous!
OH man!!!! I love it! Is it applique? I mean, is it done by hand? I don’t have patience for that but I love this!
It’s fusible applique with a machine blanket stitch. Now that it’s January, I should probably swap out the quilts… 😉